Thursday, January 13, 2011

it's been a while!

So, before Lexi was born, I had all these thoughts of how I could blog everyday- sharing every little detail of her little life. I wish I actually had the time for that. I think facebook has just been easier for me. I go on that every few days and add a little status update... adn then just tag her in the pics i'm already uploading to my page. perfect solution.

I really do love blogs though... I wish blogging was as convenient as facebook sometimes.

well, lexi is one day shy of being SIX MONTHS OLD!!! I can't believe it~ on one hand, it feels like she's always been here but on the other hand... these past six months have passed by WAY too fast! She has her dr appt on monday and I know she'll be off the charts. It seems like she just sprouted lately... she's HUGE!

things i love:
her giggles
her babbles
she sits up!!!

things i could do without:
runny noses
food smeared ALL over when she eats
her gas.

here's a few pics taken yesterday of my little lover. She's got QUITE the personality! :)

my little monster!! She thinks everything is food.... it's only a problem when she's chewing onmy laptop, phone, and tv remote... :) she's got 2 teeth now... quite the big girl! lol