It has been entirely too long since I've posted. haha
I'm going to try to get this REALLY going now. weekly updates, perhaps?? :) Sounds great to me!!
Since I've posted last, so much has happened! Lexi is 7 1/2 months old now! We joined a mom's group in January and it is so great! I love getting together with other mom's a couple times a week for playdates. (Pretty sure Lexi loves her new friends, too!). February birthdays came and went and I even attempted a surprise dinner for Nick! He's a whole 26 years old now! lol... definitely getting up there! ;)
I got him 2 wine glass wall shelves (ok, this gift is for us...) and a movie themed board game! The most exciting part of his birthday, though, was his gift to himself! We now have a fur baby! :) We rescued ourselves a 2 year old kitty! She is absolutely the best kitty ever! She's currently curled up by my feet sleeping. :) Her temporary name is Mama Cas, but I'm just not feeling that one. I can't seem to get a good picture of her, so here's one for now... but it's really not the most flattering pic of her! haha
Sorry- this is a word-y post as I rush to get this done so I can get Lexi up and play with her!
Nick and I decided it is time to get Lexi to sleep like a normal baby. haha- that is, in a crib... and through the night! Up til now, we were desperate and did whatever we could to get her to sleep- so she has been in her swing... getting bottles 2-3 times at night. Last night was our first attempt at making her cry it out. She cried for about 40 minutes, then went to sleep! She didn't need a bottle... she stayed asleep for the rest of the night- til 9am, too!
Tomorrow, we start our mommy and me gymnastics class at CalElite gym! It's going to be so much fun rolling around with Lex! I can't wait to start... and also to getmore pictures! She is such a perfect baby. I love her so much.
I am so thankful for every day I get to spend with my precious little girl. I really wish I could freeze time and keep her this age forever. She is the happiest little chubby cheeked baby around! :)
Well, I'm off to play with my angel! Have a great week, everyone!
ps- I also can't wait for warm weather, so I can get to the beach and see THIS again!!