Monday, March 14, 2011

next time around...

Every parent learns as they go with each experience. I have gotten some amazing (and also really whacky) advice in these last 8 months. With Alexis, we got everything we needed and just a couple things we wanted. I find that I'm always saying "next time..." Well, we do it this time too. There are a few things that will have to wait til next time, but the last few times I've caught myself saying "next time...", I say no- we can still do it this time (getting Lexi a walker, making her baby food, giving her a good first- bday, christmas, easter, etc...)

Here are the things that will have to be "next time"...
1. Newborn photos. We completely failed on this one. I'm sad.
2. custom crib bedding... I LOVE what I've seen on Etsy)
3. custom carset cover. (again, from Etsy)
4. a swing that PLUGS IN!! ...we used the heck out of her swing and were replacing 4 D batteries once a week. Such an unnecessary expense!!
5. wear my baby. I'm getting a moby wrap and wearing my next baby as much as he/ she will let me. I love holding Lexi close and giving her loves but she isn't much of a cuddler anymore. She's good for a hug but would rather sit on her own and play with us.
6. enjoy every second that I can breast feed. I really wanted to BF longer, but she decided she was done. We've had to buy soooo much formula. kind of ridiculous!

I'm sure there are/ will be a million of other "next times..." but I really am enjoying this time. I love my lexi bug!

She's having somewhat of a rough morning. (can i blame the time change??), so I guess I'm just playing it by ear as far as our plans to go to the beach or pool. Poor Alexis has a cold... again!! :/ (but the fever is gone!) We'll be missing yet another gymnastics week.

Whenever she's sick, I give her her favorite snacks and just let her d
o pretty much whatever makes her happy (within reason). Here's what has made her happy today!
Her bottle always makes her a happy baby.

Yum! She loves these!!

These sound so gross to me, but she loves 'em! Blueberry and Sweet Potato Puffs.

yum. These are actually good. I tried one.

Always a Lexi favorite.

Hopefully I can catch a few smiles later. Hope everyone has a great day!



  1. We have those puffs too... in several flavors. London hates them, and they smell awful.. and they are way too messy because they are colored. I started buying generic ones with no color, and aren't organic... and they are amazing. haha But if Lexi liked them, hooray for her! :)

  2. haha... this kid just LOVES food!! She's not too picky about anything we give her!! The yogurt chips give us messy problems, but the puffs have been manageable so far... we'll see as we go. We just have the purple ones so far, but we'll try every color eventually. :) I think i'm going to have a "baby food" bar at her first bday, so it'll be filled with the snacks she loves (mum mums, puffs, yogurt crackers... and anything else she decides she likes between now and then!) All her little friends seem to feed their babies the same snacks, so I'm thinking it could be a hit. :)
