Friday, July 30, 2010

2nd Week home!! :)

This was such a fun week! Alexis had her 2 week doctor checkup on Monday! To my surprise, Alexis gained NO WEIGHT!! She is such a piggy of an eater but she managed to keep her weight at 7lbs 8oz. The doctor isn't so worried since she gained soooo much last week!

Things are changing already too!! Every day, her eyes get more and more blue and her hair seems to be getting lighter-- more BLONDE!! She has started cluster feeding then taking longer naps which has been amazing (except for the timing of her cluster feeding!!) We gotta somehow work on getting her to feed a lot right around dinner time so she'll sleep longer at night, instead of wanting to cluster feed at 2pm or 2am! That just makes for a grumpy daddy and a tired (emotional) mommy! Well, this week was otherwise pretty uneventful. I started tummy time on her activity mat and she LOVES it! (THANK YOU, CRYSTAL!!) She lasted about 15 minutes today... with 10 of it spent on her tummy propped up on her whale pillow. Tummy time is amazing! :)

Things she loves:
-eating (oink! oink!)
-dirty diapers (okay... this is gross but she never fusses when she dirties her diaper so we have to check and feel for it... ew!)
-BATHS!!!! (yay!! She doesn't scream anymore)
-keeping mommy awake!
-grandpa harris- being held in his arms and getting whisker kisses!
- Grandma Laurie telling the little piggy story with my toes! Each toe is different every time... always surprised! TOO cute.. and funny! :)
- car seat and rides

things she hates:
-daddy changing my diaper
-powder formula (tried it for the first time Tuesday.. YUCK!)
-Trash Trucks

Things I love:
- baby noises when she sleeps!
- her grunts! haha definitely a little piggy!
- her sleeping for 4 hours straight!
- taking her out for anything! :) she loves the car!
- her smell!! :)
- just about everything about her! LOVE her so much!

Things i hate:
- cluster feeding... it just starts to hurt after a while!
- spit up
- leaky boobs! (probably TMI, but she plays with my boob instead of latching sometimes and it turns into niagra falls and i have to change her AND me after! agh!)

Well, Here are a few more pictures of my amazing baby girl! <3

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