Monday, September 13, 2010

A few weeks in the making!

So these past few weeks, I've completely failed at taking pictures... and blogging! I've been so busy with end of summer things... spending lots of time with Aunt Rachyl before she headed back to school! :)

We had so much fun at the lake... TWO weekends in a row and we're heading back this weekend again!! Definitely making up for the times we couldn't go this summer! Since the first trip to the lake, Alexis has been sleeping soooo good!! She usually goes down around 9 and sleeps til 4 or 5am and goes back to sleep til 9 or 10ish am!! She LOVES her sleep! it's AMAZING! I love her so much! :)

She has grown soooo much lately and smiles at anyone and everyone... and even started "talking". I don't know what she's saying but I get tears laughing so hard at her attempts at conversation. Last week, we went to the mall with Rachyl and Nika. Nika had red lips that Lexi wouldn't stop "talking" about! haha.. she was so amazed by them! Too cute. I really wish I got it on video! I think I'll have to attempt the video thing again very soon. :)

Well, here are some sad excuses for pictures. Have a great week!!


My life jacket is soooo big!!!

daddy loves me!! <3

KISSES!! Knock it off!!

Family time at Lake Mead!

Pretty Pink outfit from Auntie Sara!

Passed out.... I'ma get mommy back for this one....


Thursday, September 2, 2010


I don't know where the camera went, so I'm going to combine this and next weeks entries. It will be all about her new fondness of sleeping at night and the lake!! :) amazing times...

oh, BIG thanks to the lactation consultant who recommended a bottle that Alexis actually takes!! Now I can resume pumping without feeling like I'm wasting milk!! :) The First Years Breastflow bottles are AMAZING! :D

hope everyone had a great week! I'll be better about posting next week!!